What is first in Marcotti’s mind when he sees things is “how to have fun with them.” He does all kinds of things or uses his extraordinary imagination to somehow enjoy boring days. (He sometimes overuses his imagination, which he needs to work on…..) Marcotti has wonderful friends and family who care about him very much. Let’s look for happiness with Marcotti!
He is a happy, innocent, and active dog who sees everything in his imagination. He also bungles a lot, but luckily he has his loving brother and sister who are always there to help him. (Even though he makes mistakes all the time, giving up is not in his dictionary. “Take it easy” is his motto.) Intuition comes before logic. A dog with an artistic nature.
Marcotti’s twin brother. He usually fails to make a good first impression due to his piercing stare. Contrary to his appearance, he is shy and thoughtful. Unlike Marcotti, he always takes things seriously. He is a caring brother who gives Marcotti a great deal of help whenever Marcotti makes a mistake. A sportsdog (sportsman).
A sister of Marcotti and Kochan. She is a dog of firm character and her brothers always depend on her. She loves Marcotti very much, but unlike Marcotti, she only believes in facts, which sometimes makes it difficult for her to understand Marcotti.
Marcotti’s cousin. He looks exactly like Marcotti, but he is always quiet and has a very different personality. He is the scholarly type who loves doing research. He looks good with his glasses on.
The female dog of Marcotti’s dreams. She is always elegant and calm.